this chat is good, i wanna share bout his opinion bout why us sometimes disconnect indonesian
this people is Americ an, but he's nice and open-minded bout religion
read it ;)
26,089 strangers online
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: heyho?
Stranger: 日本語?
Stranger: Is that a no?
You: watashi wa risma desu
Stranger: あらよおかった!
Stranger: よろしく!
You: i cannot read hiragana or katakana or kanji -_____-
Stranger: 日本語は何年べんきょうしましたか?
Stranger: ah、
Stranger: sorry about that.
Stranger: How long have you been studying japanese?\
You: what does it mean?
You: a year
Stranger: How long have you been studying Japanese?
You: but my teacher is not good teaching
Stranger: Good god.
Stranger: You've actually taken japanese and you don't know how to read hiragana or katakana?
Stranger: That's depressing.
Stranger: Want me to teach you?
You: lol
You: ofcourse :D
Stranger: あ A
Stranger: え E
You: i dont have japanese keyboard
Stranger: Actually, there are a ton of online resources for this.
Stranger: Ah, you don't need one.
Stranger: What's your OS?
You: what is os?
Stranger: operating system.
You: windows
Stranger: You can use IME to type in japanese.
Stranger: You don't need a special keyboard
You: isee :)
Stranger: I think you can find a tutorial on how to install it online.
You: watashi wa indonesia jin sedu
You: *desu
Stranger: Here, let me give you some of my resources (I've been studying japanese for 4 years.)
You: :)
Stranger: Ah, hontou desuka? indonesia ha dou omoimasuka?
You: lol i didnot get it
Stranger: It's a wonderful resource.
Stranger: Well, you need to start teaching yourself!
Stranger: It's rather fun, think of it as an autodidactic challenge.
Stranger: You don't really need a teacher for Japanese if you have the internet.
You: i thought you are japanese
Stranger: Nope.
Stranger: I'm American.
You: cool
You: how old are you?
Stranger: 18
You: f/m?
Stranger: I'm soo old!
Stranger: Male
You: im 18 :)
Stranger: Ah!
You: so im old too
Stranger: How long have you been studying japanese?
You: 1year
Stranger: Ah, well.
Stranger: I learned to read and write in the first year, I suppose I had a good teacher.
Stranger: Hmm.
You: in the first year of my high school i got a good teacher
You: but he was quit
Stranger: Shame.
You: so i did get any japanesse lesson
Stranger: Where did you learn english?
You: because my new teacher is not good
You: i learn english from enywhere
You: why?
You: is my english bad?
Stranger: In my experience with international communities on and offline I find that people from all around the world learn surprisingly good English.
Stranger: No your English is really good, I thought you were American! :D
You: lol
You: im not :D
Stranger: XD
You: do you learn other language?
Stranger: Spanish is my native language.
Stranger: I speak spanish english and Japanese.
You: i cannot speak spanish
You: is that difficult?
Stranger: Kind of.
Stranger: It's not really as useful as english, to be honest.
You: lol
You: you are so smart :)
You: may i ask you something?
Stranger: Yes.
You: why people from us sometimes hate indonesian?
You: sometime they dont want to chat with indonesian
Stranger: That's odd.
You: why?
Stranger: It could be a religious thing, given the large Muslim population of indonesia.
Stranger: It could also be because they don't feel like people from Indonesia would know enough English. But it's clear that that's not true.
You: is that something wrong with moslem?
You: what do you think bout moslem?
Stranger: There is an unfortunate stigma against muslims in the United States.
Stranger: I think Islam is a wonderful, beautiful religion that's gotten a bad name because of a few people.
Stranger: Muslims, like all religious groups, have their extremists and moderates, so I would rather not make a sweeping judgement until I've met them all.
You: may i ask what is your religion?
You: you are so good
Stranger: I am a secular humanist, I don't really have a religion. I just believe that, above else, it's important to seek knowledge for the good of all people and to accept all people for their good, regardless of religion, sex or creed.
You: is that polite to ask someone bout religion?
Stranger: Well, normally we want to avoid that topic. I don't mind it at all considering my stance on it.
You: sometime if i ask someone what their religion they will be angry and said "is that your problem?"
You: so i never ask bout it anymore
You: hey
Stranger: Ah, that's a shame.
You: whats your name?
Stranger: I would rather not say my name.
You: why?
Stranger: It's just a convention of mine. I don't say my real name on the internet. It's kind of silly.
You: lol it's okay
You: well can i have your email or maybe something?
Stranger: I would rather not disclose that as well.
You: mmm
You: so may i post this converstation in my blog?
Stranger: Sure.
You: *conversation
You: i want to share with others bout your opinion in my country :)
that's all :)
thanks for read this post and bye :)
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